This Summer, Shepherds of Good Hope struggled for food donations. For the first time in over 20 years, they did not have enough soup for soup kitchen. The volunteer chefs were happy to receive donations from the school gardens.
"It smells so fresh!" and "What a great thing for kids to do" they said about the food grown in school gardens.
They were happy to receive a salad of basil and cherry tomatoes, grown by grade 3s at Mutchmor & First Avenue's school gardens, while the students were on holiday.
At Elmwood's Fall Harvest Party, there was more than enough to go around. 20 of Elmwood's grade 7 girls harvested, prepared and enjoyed a feast from the gardens they build with their own hands. They shared their delicious garden salsa, extra tomatoes and herbs with teachers, parents, and still had two big bins of food to donate to Shepherds.