Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Growing Healthy Communities Forum is back!

The second annual Growing Healthy Communities Forum is here! 
Please note DATE CHANGED below!

Date/Time: February 28th 2013, 5pm-8:30pm
Place: Heritage Academy, 207 Bayswater

attendance by donation (please register ahead of time at:

The purpose of this forum is to celebrate initiatives that increase access to healthy, nutritious, sustainable food for children and youth in Ottawa.  This year, the forum will  focus on healthy, local, sustainable food in schools as well as innovative responses to the new Ontario School Food and Beverage Policy.
The topics for discussion will include:
1. Making the most of your school Garden: Garden‐based student learning opportunities across the curriculum
2. Healthy, kocal, organic: Your school's student breakfast and snack program
3. Inspiring healthy eating: Best uses for your school garden produce
4. School composting: Challenges and solutions
5. Farm-to-School: Connecting with local organic farms
Do you have an idea for a discussion topic? Or would like to speak about your school's innovative program? We are currently welcoming potential speakers and discussion faclilitators to submit proposals. Please feel free to email or with your suggestions!