Growing Up Organic is here for support over the summer. I will be visiting each school garden every 2 weeks to check up on the gardens and see what needs to be done. Please join me for any of my garden visits. We might prune, plant, stake, harvest, build... whatever needs to be done!
Monday (July: 5th, July 19th, Aug. 9th, Aug. 23rd)
10-11 Cambridge 11:15-12:15 Heritage
12:30-1:30 Devonshire
Tuesday: (July 6th, July 20th, Aug. 10th, Aug. 24th)
1:15-2:15 Elmwood
2:30-3:30 Trillium / Trilles des Bois
Wednesday (july 7th, July 21st, Aug. 11th, Aug. 25th)
10-11 Mutchmor
11:15-12:15 First Avenue
**Children's garden?**
Thursday (July 8th, July 22nd, Aug. 12th, Aug. 26th)
10-11 Woodroffe HS
11:15-12:15 Woodroffe PS
1:30-2:30 Pinecrest
Friday - **with Jasen (July 9th, July 22nd, Aug. 13th, Aug. 27th)
(10:30-11:30 Lakeview)
(11:14-12:45 AY Jackson)
Hope to see you in the gardens!!!
Growing Up Organic Intern
A few young gardeners, for inspiration. Happy gardening!